



我正在使用Jquery UI可调整大小的插件来调整各种div的大小。考虑以下HTML页面(嵌入JS):

I am utilizing the Jquery UI resizable plugin in order to resize various div's. Consider the following HTML page (with JS embedded):

<div id="site">
    <div>This element is resizable</div>
    <br />
    <div style="width: 200px;">This is another resizable element</div>

<!-- javascript includes -->
$(function() {
    $("#site div").click(function() {

        if($(this).hasClass("selected")) {
        else {        // Currently not selected, so let's select it
                start: function(event, ui) {
                resize: function(event, ui) {
                stop: function(event, ui) {

所以,我在这个示例代码中想要完成的工作非常简单。当用户点击嵌套在#site中的div时,我希望div变为已选中。因此,在此示例中,当触发div的click事件时,名为selected的CSS类将添加到单击的div中。除了单击div之外,用户还可以调整div的大小。当用户调整所选div的大小时会出现问题。显然,当用户首次选择div时会触发click事件,但当用户单击并拖动div的边缘以调整其大小时,也会触发click事件。 click事件将调用click例程并取消选择div。这不是我想要发生的事情。点击事件仅在所有可调整大小的事件都被触发后才会触发。

So, what I'm trying to accomplish in this sample code is pretty simple. When a user clicks on a div nested within "#site", I want the div to become "selected". So, in this example, when the click event for the div is fired, a CSS class called "selected" will be added to the clicked div. In addition to clicking the div, the user can resize the div. The problem arises when the user resizes the selected div. Obviously, a click event fires when the user first selects a div, but a click event also fires when the user clicks and drags the edges of the div to resize it. The click event will call the click routine and de-select the div. This is not what I want to happen. The click event fires only after all the resizable events have fired.


With that, my question is, how could I handle this scenario to allow the user to click and select the div, but also to allow the div to be resized, but not de-selected when the div is dragged and resized? Your help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.



Good question. Resizable is utilizing event bubbling. The actual resize handles are inner elements of your resizable. So, checking the class of the event target will give you what you need.

    if(!$(e.target).is('.ui-resizable-handle')) // not if it is the handle


09-02 22:22