



我有当视图通过onDestoryView毁灭,我取消AsyncTask的()。这个问题是我做的downloader.cancel(真);它不会取消。事实上,它会返回false。目前,它引用了ListAdapter将项目添加到它。然而,当我打开屏幕景观,ListAdapter是onPostExecute期间空。我想不通的时候ListAdapter变为零。我曾经尝试都onDestory和onDestoryView取消的AsyncTask的ListAdapter成为空之前,但它永远不会奏效。这是一个ListFragment BTW内。

I have a asynctask that I cancel when the view is destoried via onDestoryView(). This problem is I do "downloader.cancel(true);" and it wont cancel. In fact, it will return false. Currently, it references the ListAdapter to add items to it. However when I turn the screen to landscape, the ListAdapter is null during the onPostExecute. I cannot figure out when the ListAdapter becomes null. I have tried both onDestory and onDestoryView to cancel the asynctask before the ListAdapter becomes null but it never works. This is inside of a ListFragment btw.


For the time being, I just check if the adapter is null in the asynctask but this really grinds my gears. I would rather just cancel the task before the ListAdapter is null.


Does anyone know when the ListAdapter is null for a ListFragment during screen rotations?


取消一个AsyncTask的确实的的杀线程。你会在文档中看到,像<$ C $方法C>停止和摧毁未实现。所以一旦 doInBackground 方法开始执行时,它会运行到完成任务就算用的。您将需要code将其恰如其分。

Cancelling an AsyncTask does not kill the Thread. You will see in the docs for Thread that methods like stop and destroy are unimplemented. So once the doInBackground method starts executing, it will run to completion even if the task is cancelled with cancel(true). You will need to code it appropriately.


09-02 21:39