J - Just Too Lucky
- Gym - 100623J
- Since mass transit (公共交通)was invented, people who buy tickets look for lucky ticket numbers. There are many
- notions of lucky tickets, for example sometimes tickets are considered lucky if the sum of first half of the
- digits is equal to the sum of the second half, sometimes the product is used instead of the sum, sometimes
- permutation of digits is allowed, etc.
- In St Andrewburg integer numbers from 1 to n are used as ticket numbers. Bill considers a ticket lucky
- if its number is divisible by the sum of its digits. Help Bill to find the number of lucky tickets.
- 自从发明了公共交通,买票的人就要看幸运票号码了。有很多
- 幸运票的概念,例如,有时门票被认为是幸运的,如果是上半年的总和
- 数字等于下半部的和,有时使用乘积而不是求和,有时
- 允许数字的排列等。
- 在圣安德鲁堡,整数从1到N用作票号。比尔认为幸运票
- 如果它的个数是由它的数字之和整除的。帮助比尔找到幸运票的数量。
- 思路:
- 枚举每一种各个位数的和最大为108,枚举108种情况即可。
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define ll long long #define maxn 123 ll dp[15][maxn][maxn][maxn]; ll cnt,n,digit[maxn],ans; ll dfs(int len,int sum,int md,int cur,bool limit) { if(len==0)return sum==md&&cur==0; if(dp[len][sum][cur][md]!=-1&&!limit) return dp[len][sum][cur][md]; int up=(limit?digit[len]:9); ll temp=0; for(int i=0; i<=up; i++) temp+=dfs(len-1,sum+i,md,(cur*10+i)%md,limit&&i==up); if(!limit) dp[len][sum][cur][md]=temp; return temp; } ll solve(ll num) { memset(dp,-1,sizeof(dp)); while(num) { digit[++cnt]=num%10; num/=10; } for(int i=1; i<=108; i++) ans+=dfs(cnt,0,i,0,1); return ans; } int main() { freopen("just.in","r",stdin); freopen("just.out","w",stdout); cin>>n; cout<<solve(n)<<endl; return 0; }