本文介绍了WPF中具有不同方向的Virtualized TreeView是否无法虚拟化?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I have a TreeView in XAML with multiple layers. Using this solution I can get a XAML-configured look for each of the different layers, and confirmed that it is UI virtualizing.

但是,当我将特定图层的VirtualizingStackPanel切换为具有不同的Orientation时(是否通过此解决方案,或与父解决方案一起使用 Snoop ),然后关闭UI虚拟化,然后扩展该层后,TreeView就会实现所有TreeViewItem.

However, when I switch a particular layer's VirtualizingStackPanel to have a different Orientation (it doesn't matter whether through code like this solution, or with Snoop) than its parent, then UI virtualization switches off and the TreeView realizes all the TreeViewItems as soon as I expand that layer.


While researching this behavior I noticed that within the reference source for VirtualizingStackPanel as you drill into its MeasureOverride function, you find this comment on line 2116:


It appears that Microsoft has intentionally disabled UI virtualization for this case. So I have two questions:

  • 为什么各层之间的方向一致很重要?
  • 如何使UI虚拟化与具有不同方向的TreeView一起使用?
  • Why does it matter to have orientation consistency between layers?
  • How can I get UI virtualization to work with a TreeView having different orientations within it?



UI Virtualization relies on the ability to correctly measure the viewport and the contents that should be in view. Generally speaking, that works out well if you're scrolling in one dimension for a list-like structure (thinking of the tree view as, say, an indented list as far as rendering goes). It doesn't work out as well if you suddenly have to calculate that in two dimensions, depending on which child you're rendering. Think of what the algorithm has to work through if one of those horizontally oriented children is taller than others, but isn't currently visible on the screen - how does it determine if the next vertical child should be in view or not without calculating the layout for all of those children, thus defeating the purpose of virtualization?

这篇关于WPF中具有不同方向的Virtualized TreeView是否无法虚拟化?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-02 21:30