I have a variable which stores the calculated average of a specific field.
有什么办法可以在 Title 乐队中使用此变量?当我尝试执行此操作时,我只是在标题中得到 null ,但在 Column Footer 中得到了正确的值.
Is there any way to use this variable in the Title band? When I try to do it, I just get null in the Title but the correct value in the Column Footer.
The only other possibility for this I see is, to precalculate it in Java and pass it as an argument, but I'm trying to avoid that.
我正在使用3.7.4版中的 JasperReports 和 iReport .
I'm using JasperReports and iReport in version 3.7.4.
变量和文本字段都具有属性 Evaluation Time .将两者都设置为报告,即可使用.
The Variable and the Text Field both have the property Evaluation Time. Set it to Report for both and it works.
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