

我在ipad air 2模拟器中,尝试测试replaykit,然后查看是否弹出窗口以查看录制的屏幕的视频.当我这样做时,我会说一个错误.那是因为我正在模拟器中对其进行测试吗?

Im in the ipad air 2 simulator and trying to test replaykit and see if the window pops up to view the video of the recorded screen. When I do that I get an error saying this. Is that because Im testing it in the simulator?

集线器连接错误错误域= NSCocoaErrorDomain代码= 4097连接到名为com.apple.ReplayKit.RPVideoEditorExtension的服务" UserInfo = {NSDebugDescription =与名为com.apple.ReplayKit.RPVideoEditorExtension的服务的连接}

Hub connection error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service named com.apple.ReplayKit.RPVideoEditorExtension" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service named com.apple.ReplayKit.RPVideoEditorExtension}



I ran into this issue as well in the simulator. It breaks in there. On-device it's fine. Searching the internet this seems to always be the case.


09-02 21:17