


I want to give the user the possibility to change the language in my app.


The way to do this is described here, in monotouch code to set the preferred language to Dutch and alternate language to English:

                (NSArray.FromStrings("nl", "en"), new NSString("AppleLanguages"));

您必须重新启动应用程序,此方法才会生效.但是在iPhone 4上,当您关闭应用程序时,该应用程序不会重新启动,而是被隐藏了.有没有办法在关闭后强制应用重新启动?

You have to restart the application before this will take effect. But on the iPhone 4 the app does not restart when you close it, it is just hidden. Is there a way to force an app to restart after closing?



Thanks Dimitris. So changing the language at runtime is not that simple.


I found a solution which works in my case:

当用户更改语言时,我使用Mauro Delrio在.在单点触控中:

When the user changes the language I use the solution described by Mauro Delrio in "How to force NSLocalizedString to use a specific language". In monotouch:

    string newLanguage = "nl";
    myBundle = NSBundle.FromPath(NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource(newLanguage, "lproj"));


All strings will now be loaded in the selected language with myBundle.LocalizedString(...). Of course, everything which was already printed on a view is not yet translated. But I found an easy way to reset all views. In my app I use a MainTabController which looks like this:

public class MainTabBarController : UITabBarController
    public override void ViewDidLoad()
        SelectedIndex = 2;

    public void Reset()
        ViewControllers = new UIViewController[]
            new ViewControllerTab1(),
            new ViewControllerTab2(),
            new ViewControllerTab3(),
            new ViewControllerTab4(),
            new ViewControllerTab5()


So all I have to do is call Reset like:


以正确的语言处理并重新创建所有当前视图.似乎是个把戏,但它完全合法且有据可查,请参阅有关MainTabBarController viewControllers属性的Apple文档.它甚至激活与活动索引相同的选项卡索引,因此对于用户来说,似乎只改变了语言.

All current views are disposed and re-created in the correct language. Seems like a trick, but it is perfectly legal and documented, see Apple documentation for MainTabBarController viewControllers property. It even activates the same tab index as the one which was active, so for the user it seems that nothing but the language is changed.


Of course, any unsaved data in all views is lost, so if this is a problem, you have to find a way to save this before resetting.


09-02 21:13