I'm trying to highlight meshes (animated characters etc) in my game on a mouse-over event.They have multiple textures and sometimes skin.
我想我会将它们包装成一个 ShaderMaterial 并在命中测试中更改制服以使用片段着色器使其变亮.
I thought I would wrap them into a ShaderMaterial and on hit-test change uniforms to brighten it up with a fragment shader.
To do this, can I somehow just manipulate the regular shading?Can I mix multiple materials, making my shader take color values from the standard shader and just tweak them?Or do I need whole separate render pass and blend it with composer?
Or maybe just something else entirely, like ambient light applied to just one object/shader?
repost, see comments for details/discussion:
您可以在鼠标悬停时更改整个材质/着色器,尽管我想这在某种程度上是性能密集型的,具体取决于用户通常执行的开关数量以及应用程序的其余部分正在执行的操作.我曾经使用过的是常规 phong 材质的自发光颜色,例如 material.emissive.setRGB().这也会给你一些不错的效果.
"you could change the whole material/shader on mouse over, although i guess this is somewhat performance intensive, depending on the number of switches the user usually does and what the rest of your app is doing. What i used once is the emissive color of the regular phong material with material.emissive.setRGB() for example. This will give you some nice effects, too".