


I have a basic web page layout with a 100% width header and a sticky footer. In between the two I have a large graphic.


I would like the graphic to resize dynamically depending on the size of the window.

我不喜欢使用flash,并且想知道是否有一个简单的方法来使用jquery / javascript。

I prefer not to use flash, and was wondering if there is an easy way to do this with jquery/javascript.

我不太jquery / javascript专家,所以我想知道如何处理这个有一个组件已经有它。

I'm not much of a jquery/javascript expert so I was wondering how to approach this of there is a component out there that already does it.


.wrapper {width:58.536585%; /*960/1640 = .58536585*/ margin:0 auto;}
.resize {width:100%; height:auto;}

<div class="wrapper">
  <img class="resize" src="image.jpg" />


This will resize your image to match your container and keep the ratio in place. If you set the container to a percentage everything will scale.

包装宽度= 960px除以屏幕宽度= 1640px

wrapper width = 960px divided by screen width = 1640px


If you want the entire site to be responsive you have to do the math all the way down. divide the child by it's parent. Hope this helps!


09-02 21:08