



嗨!我想知道我应该如何适应所有浏览器的按钮,标签,数据网格,列表框等控件?例如,我的WPF Web应用程序中有一个按钮,我已将其拖放到中心位置。如果我运行我的WPF Web应用程序,它将在中心位置显示我的按钮。但是,当我点击浏览器的恢复按钮以使我的浏览器变小时,它就不会在中心位置显示我的按钮。这意味着按钮不会通过调整浏览器的大小来调整其位置。你能告诉我我该怎么做以及如何根据浏览器的大小调整控件的位置?

Hi! I want to know how should I fit controls like button, label, datagrid, listbox for all browsers? For example I have got a button there in my WPF web application & I have draged it & placed it there in the center position. If I run my WPF web application it will show my button there in the center position. But when I click on restore down button of my browser to make my browser small then it doesnt show my button there in the center position. It means button doesnt adjust its position by resizing browser`s size. Would you please tell me what should I do & how should I adjust position of my controls with browser`s size?



09-02 21:08