



所以,我有这个 UITableView 。它在一个iPad应用程序。一些单元格在右边有一个附件按钮(小圆形箭头)。当按下时,我提出一个popover视图,用户可以选择与他们触摸的表单元格相关的操作。到目前为止,没有什么是困难的或例外。

So, I have this UITableView. It's in an iPad application. Some of the cells have an accessory button on the right (the small round arrow). When that is pressed, I present a popover view where the user can select actions related to the table cell that they touched. So far, nothing of this is difficult or exceptional.


But the popover view wants to know where it originates from, so that it can draw the little arrow pointing there. I would naturally like that arrow to point at the table cell the popover relates to.


How can I find out the current on screen coordinates for a certain cell in a table, given that I know it's indexPath?


使用UITableView方法 - RectForRowAtIndexPath:。注意,在表视图的坐标系统内返回一个矩形 - 如果你需要相对于同一窗口中另一个视图的矩形,使用UIView方法 -convertRect:fromView:

Use the UITableView method -rectForRowAtIndexPath:. Note that that returns a rect within the table view’s coordinate system—if you need the rect relative to another view within the same window, use the UIView method -convertRect:fromView:.


09-02 21:03