Is there a way to add animation when opening an expandable list in Android?I want it so that when the user clicks on the expandable list, it has an animation/effect like I'm opening a sliding drawer.
It moves slow until it is completely opened.
我已经花了很多时间,没有运气搜索。现有的解决方案,只是不够光滑 - 如果你的布局是东西不仅仅是2个按钮比较复杂,它成为laggy
I've spent a lot of time searching with no luck. The existing solutions are just not smooth enough - if your layout is something more complex than just 2 buttons, it becomes laggy.
所以,我创建了自己的 ListAdapter
So, I've created my own ListAdapter
that caches the whole view into a Bitmap
and then performs the animation on the cached view instead of the view itself. It works much faster.
这是: https://github.com/dmitry-zaitsev/ExpandableAdapter
好消息是,你并不需要重写一堆code - 只是包装我的 ExpandableAdapter
The good news is that you don't need to rewrite a bunch of code - just wrap my ExpandableAdapter
around your adapter and provide the id of the view that will act like a toggle button and the id of the view that holds the content of the second level:
new ExpandableAdapter(context, yourAdapter, R.id.switch, R.id.holder);
And that is all.