

本文介绍了将数据推送到Azure SQL数据库的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


使用Azure SQL数据库是我的新手.我已经完成了将1亿条记录文本文件推送到Azure SQL数据库的任务.我正在寻找有关如何以有效方式做到这一点的建议.

I am pretty new using Azure SQL database. I have been given a task to push a 100 million record text file to Azure SQL database. I'm looking for suggestions how to do it in an efficient manner.


您可以使用多种选择将内部部署数据上载到SQL Azure数据库

You have several options to upload on-premise data to your SQL Azure database

  • SSIS -作为兰迪提到您可以创建一个SSIS程序包(使用SSMS)并安排一个SQL代理作业以定期运行此程序包.
  • Azure数据工厂-您可以定义ADF定期将数据从本地文件上载到SQL Azure数据库的管道.根据您的要求,您可能只需要管道的初始连接并收集"部分,或者您可能想在管道中添加更多的其他处理
  • bcp -批量复制程序"实用程序可以用于在SqlServer和数据文件之间复制数据.类似于SSIS包,您可以使用SQL Agent作业使用bcp安排定期上传.
  • SqlBulkCopy -我怀疑是否需要此功能,但是如果需要以编程方式将其集成到应用程序中,则此类可以通过.NET代码帮助您实现与bcp实用程序相同的功能(bcp更快).
  • SSIS - As Randy mentioned you can create an SSIS package (using SSMS) and schedule an SQL Agent job to run this package periodically.
  • Azure Data Factory - You can define an ADF pipeline that periodically uploads data from your on-premise file to your SQL Azure database. Depending on your requirements you might need just the initial 'Connect and collect' part of the pipeline or you might want to add further additional processing in the pipeline
  • bcp - The 'bulk copy program' utility can be used to copy data between SqlServer and a data file.Similar to the SSIS package you can use an SQL Agent job to schedule periodic uploads using bcp.
  • SqlBulkCopy - I doubt if you would need this, but in case you need to integrate this into your application programmatically this class helps you achieve the same as the bcp utility (bcp is faster) via .NET code.

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09-02 20:16