I've come across two classes being used in a tutorial on splash screens PreferenceManager and SharedPreferences. I didn't gain a great deal of knowledge about them from the tutorial though.
So can someone explain to me what both classes do or are used for?
Preferences is an Android lightweight mechanism to store and retrieve pairsof primitive data types (also called Maps, and Associative Arrays).
In each entry of the form the key is a string and the value must be a primitive data type.
PREFERENCES are typically used to keep state information and shared dataamong several activities of an application.
Shared Preferences is the storage, in android, that you can use to store some basic things related to functionality, users' customization or its profile.
Suppose you want to save user's name in your app for future purposes. You cant save such a little thing in database, So you better keep it saved in your Preferences. Preferences is just like a file , from which you can retrieve value anytime in application's lifetime in a KEY-VALUE pair manner.
Take another example, If you use whatsapp, we have a wallpaper option there. How the application knows which image serves as wall-paper for you whenever you open your whatsapp. This information is stored in preferences. Whenever you clear data for any app, preferences are deleted.
final int mode = Activity.MODE_PRIVATE;
final String MYPREFS = "MyPreferences_001";
// create a reference to the shared preferences object
SharedPreferences mySharedPreferences;
// obtain an editor to add data to my SharedPreferences object
SharedPreferences.Editor myEditor;
mySharedPreferences = getSharedPreferences(MYPREFS, 0);
// using this instance you can get any value saved.
mySharedPreferences.getInt("backColor",Color.BLACK); // default value is BLACK set here
myEditor = mySharedPreferences.edit();
//edit and commit
myEditor.putString("backColor", Color.RED);
myEditor.commit() //very imp.