hMsgBox = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE | WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES," EDIT", "", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, 15,30,420,20,hwnd,(HMENU)IDD_MSG_BOX,GetModuleHandle(NULL), NULL); 我也有,在窗口的WM_command下,(默认情况下)一个 消息框,显示当前被忽略的消息。 当我将文件拖到文本框时,我得到下降箭头(光标 表示你​​允许丢弃)当我丢弃时我没有收到任何消息。 当我点击文本框时我收到一条消息,所以我知道它正在发挥作用。 继承人WM_COMMAND的代码: 默认值: { char m [15]; //一些随机数 sprintf(m,"%d",LOWORD(wParam)); MessageBox(hwnd,m," message",MB_OK) ; } 休息; 请帮助。I''m trying to have a section where people can just start draggingfiles into a textbox and the full location of the file will be stored.MS-Dos has this function built into it, and it''s written in C, so ithas to work, I''ve built a textbox that accepts files:hMsgBox = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE | WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES, "EDIT","",WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | ES_AUTOHSCROLL,15, 30, 420, 20, hwnd, (HMENU)IDD_MSG_BOX, GetModuleHandle(NULL),NULL);I also have, under the WM_command for the window, (for default) amessage box that displays the current message that is being ignored.When i drag a file to the textbox i get the dropping arrow (the cursorthat says your allowed to drop) and when i drop i receive no message.when i click on the text box i get a message, so i know it is working.heres the code for the WM_COMMAND:default:{char m[15]; //some random numbersprintf(m, "%d", LOWORD(wParam));MessageBox(hwnd, m, "message", MB_OK);}break;Please help.推荐答案在文章< e8 ********************************** @ f63g2000hsf。>, jon< jm ****** @ hotmail.comwrote:In article <e8**********************************@f63g2000hsf.>,jon <jm******@hotmail.comwrote: >我是尝试有一个部分,人们可以开始将文件拖到文本框中,文件的完整位置将被存储。 MS-Dos内置了这个功能,并且已经写好了在C中,所以它必须工作,我已经构建了一个接受文件的文本框:>I''m trying to have a section where people can just start draggingfiles into a textbox and the full location of the file will be stored.MS-Dos has this function built into it, and it''s written in C, so ithas to work, I''ve built a textbox that accepts files: 你所拥有的不是标准C,而是C带操作系统 或第三方扩展。 C代码中没有明显的错误*被视为纯C代码*, 所以你将不得不把你的问题带到新闻组 来处理你正在使用的OS库或扩展。 也许一个comp.msdos新闻组。 我建议你在那里提出问题时,你会更清楚你的问题是什么。你已经描述了一个行为 ,但你似乎没有说出你想要的是什么以及发生了什么 。或者,如果你这么说,那么你的工具箱的术语就会被埋得太深了。 - 当我们都认为没有人在思考时。 - Walter LippmannWhat you have is not Standard C, but rather C with operating systemor third party extensions.There is no -obvious- error in your C code *considered as pure C code*,so you are going to have to take your question to a newsgroupthat deals with the OS libraries or extensions that you are using.Perhaps one of the comp.msdos newsgroups.I suggest that when you take your question there, that you bemore clear about what your question -is-. You have described a behaviourbut you do not appear to say what it is you want and what is happeninginstead. Or if you are saying so, then it is buried too deep inthe jargon of your toolbox for me to make out.--"When we all think alike no one is thinking very much."-- Walter Lippmann - Walter Roberson /> 我问你如何让文本框抓住文件的位置 掉进去。当我说丢弃时,我的意思是该文件是从资源管理器中拖出来的。到程序然后当 鼠标位于文本框顶部时释放。什么消息或通知我必须发送到文本框以使其抓取文件的位置。我是 寻找执行此操作的C代码,我猜它是在 windows.c库中,这是一个标准库。-- Walter RobersonI am asking how do you make a text box grab the location of the filethat is dropped into it. When i say dropped i mean that the file isdragged from an "explorer" to the program and then released when themouse is over top of the text box. What message or notification do ihave to send to the text box to make it grab the file''s location. I amlooking for the C code that does this, I am guessing that it is in thewindows.c library which is a standard library.在文章< 17 ********************************** @ m36g2000hse。>, jon< jm ****** @ hotmail.comwrote:In article <17**********************************@m36g2000hse.>,jon <jm******@hotmail.comwrote: >我在问怎么样你做了一个文本框抓住放入其中的文件的位置。当我说丢弃时,我的意思是该文件是从资源管理器中拖出的。到程序然后当鼠标位于文本框顶部时释放。我必须向文本框发送什么消息或通知才能使其获取文件的位置。我正在寻找执行此操作的C代码,我猜它是在 windows.c库中,这是一个标准库。>I am asking how do you make a text box grab the location of the filethat is dropped into it. When i say dropped i mean that the file isdragged from an "explorer" to the program and then released when themouse is over top of the text box. What message or notification do ihave to send to the text box to make it grab the file''s location. I amlooking for the C code that does this, I am guessing that it is in thewindows.c library which is a standard library. windows C库不是标准库。它甚至没有通过单一的国家或国际标准认证 组织。 你的一些短语 - 建议 - 你试图在MS Windows机器上执行此操作。例如,explorer是与MS Windows相关的,通常在其他 操作系统中找不到。 你要求做什么不能在标准C中完成。标准C (ANSI X3.159或ISO / IEC 9899)没有图形概念。 就像我之前所说的那样,你需要把你的问题带到一个新闻组 来处理你正在处理的操作系统或第三方库。 你正在拨打的电话没有打电话给你任何标准的C例程。 - 我认为沃尔特是一个非常聪明的人。 - Gene AutryThe windows C library is NOT a standard library. It has not beencertified through even a single national or international standardsorganization.Certain phrases in your sentances -suggest- that you are trying todo this on an MS Windows machine. For example "explorer" isassociated with MS Windows, and is not generally found in otheroperating systems.What you are asking to do CANNOT be done in standard C. Standard C(ANSI X3.159 or ISO/IEC 9899) have no concept of graphics.Like I indicated before, you need to take your question to a newsgroupthat deals with the OS or third party library that you are dealing with.The calls you are making are not calling upon any standard C routine.--"I think Walter was a very smart man." -- Gene Autry 这篇关于将文件拖到文本框,然后出现文件名的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
09-06 00:45