

本文介绍了区分不同类型的MIFARE Ultralight的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何识别不同类型的MIFARE Ultralight标签?

How to identify different types of MIFARE Ultralight tags?

文档 Ultralight和Ultralight C的答案与 Auth不同。这是什么验证?芯片的数据表中没有对此功能的描述。

In document AN10834 Ultralight and Ultralight C differ by the answer from "Auth". What is this "Auth"? There is no description of this function in the datasheets to the chips.

我注意到Ultralight C和EV1支持GET_VERSION(60h),我将此请求发送给EV1卡,

I noticed that Ultralight C and EV1 support GET_VERSION (60h), I sent this request to EV1 card, it does not return anything to me.


为了区分MIFARE Ultralight,Ultralight C,Ultralight EV1和NTAG标签,您将首先发送GET_VERSION命令:

In order to distinguish MIFARE Ultralight, Ultralight C, Ultralight EV1, and NTAG tags, you would first send a GET_VERSION command:

> 60

如果此命令成功,您将知道该标签是EV1(或更高版本)标签(例如MIFARE Ultralight EV1或NTAG21x)。因此,您可以通过分析对GET_VERSION命令的响应来缩小特定标签的类型。这将显示产品类型(NTAG或Ultralight EV1)以及产品子类型,产品版本和存储大小(可让您确定确切的芯片类型)。有关示例产品标识值的列表,请参见。

If this command succeeds, you know that the tag is an EV1 (or later) tag (e.g. MIFARE Ultralight EV1 or NTAG21x). You can, thus, narrow down the specific tag type by analyzing the resonse to the GET_VERSION command. This will reveal the product type (NTAG or Ultralight EV1) as well as product subtype, product version and storage size (which allows you to determine the exact chip type). See Distinguish NTAG213 from MF0ICU2 for a list of example product identification values.

如果GET_VERSION命令失败,则可以假定它是第一代标签(MIFARE Ultralight,Ultralight C,NTAG203)。因此,您可以通过发送AUTHENTICATE(第1部分)命令来缩小特定标签的类型:

If the GET_VERSION command fails, you can assume that it is a first generation tag (MIFARE Ultralight, Ultralight C, NTAG203). You can, thus, narrow down the specific tag type by sending an AUTHENTICATE (part 1) command:

> 1A 00

如果此命令成功,您将知道标签为MIFARE UltralightC。

If this command succeeds, you know that the tag is MIFARE Ultralight C.

如果此命令失败,则可以假定标签为Ultralight或NTAG203。为了区分MIFARE Ultralight和NTAG203,您可以尝试读取Ultralight上不存在的页面(例如,读取第41页):

If this command fails, you can assume that the tag is either Ultralight or NTAG203. In order to distinguish between MIFARE Ultralight and NTAG203, you can try to read pages that do not exist on Ultralight (e.g. read page 41):

> 30 29

这篇关于区分不同类型的MIFARE Ultralight的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-02 19:32