


Trying to understand the use of verifySet etc... but unless I do a workaround I cannot get it to work.

public interface IProduct
    int  Id { get; set; }
    string Name { get; set; }

public void Can_do_something()
    var newProduct = new Mock<IProduct>();
    newProduct.SetupGet(p => p.Id).Returns(1);
    newProduct.SetupGet(p => p.Name).Returns("Jo");

    //This fails!! why is it because I have not invoked it
    newProduct.VerifySet(p => p.Name, Times.AtLeastOnce());

    //if I do this it works
    newProduct.Object.Name = "Jo";
    newProduct.VerifySet(p => p.Name, Times.AtLeastOnce());


Can somebody clarify how I should use VerifySet and Verify and VerifyGet on a property?I am getting confused.



You need to perform an action before you call verify. The typical unit test paradigm with mock objects is:

// Arrange
// Act
// Assert


So the following is improper usage because you're missing your Act step:

public void Can_do_something()
    // Arrange
    var newProduct = new Mock<IProduct>();
    newProduct.SetupGet(p => p.Name).Returns("Jo");

    // Act - doesn't exist!
    // Your action against p.Name (ie method call), should occur here

    // Assert
    // This fails because p.Name has not had an action performed against it
    newProduct.VerifySet(p => p.Name, Times.AtLeastOnce());


And this is correct, since Act exists:

public void Can_do_something()
    // Arrange
    var newProduct = new Mock<IProduct>();
    newProduct.SetupGet(p => p.Name).Returns("Jo");

    // Act

    // Assert
    newProduct.VerifySet(p => p.Name, Times.AtLeastOnce());

public static void LoadProduct(IProduct product)
    product.Name = "Jo";


Mock testing follows a different pattern than Non-Mock testing known as Behavior Verification - this is an answer I made that will clarify the concept a bit more.


09-02 18:18