

我试图访问ASP.net 5中请求的原始输入正文/流.过去,我能够将输入流的位置重置为0并将其读入内存流,但是当我尝试要从上下文中做到这一点,输入流为null或抛出错误(System.NotSupportedException =>不支持指定的方法.").

I'm trying to access a request's raw input body/stream in ASP.net 5. In the past, I was able to reset the position of the input stream to 0 and read it into a memory stream but when I attempt to do this from the context the input stream is either null or throws an error (System.NotSupportedException => "Specified method is not supported.").


In the first example below I can access the raw request in a controller if I declare the controller method's parameter object type as dynamic. For various reasons, this is not a solution and I need to access the raw request body in an authentication filter anyways.


This Example Works, But Is Not a Reasonable Solution:

public string GetRequestBody([FromBody] dynamic body)
    return body.ToString();


public string GetRequestBody()
    var m = new MemoryStream();

    var contentLength = m.Length;

    var b = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.ToArray());

    return b;


public string GetRequestBody()
    Request.Body.Position = 0;
    var input = new StreamReader(Request.Body).ReadToEnd();

    return input;


public string GetRequestBody()
    Request.Body.Position = 0;
    var input = new MemoryStream();

    var inputString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(input.ToArray());

    return inputString;


I need to access the raw request body of every request that comes in for an API that I am building.


Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!


Here is the code that I would like to read the request body in.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNet.Http;

namespace API.Filters
    public class CustomAuthorizationAttribute : Attribute, IAuthorizationFilter
        public CustomAuthorizationAttribute()
        { }

        public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext context)
            if (context == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("OnAuthorization AuthorizationContext context can not be null.");
                if (this.AuthorizeCore(context.HttpContext) == false)
                    // Do Other Stuff To Check Auth
                    context.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult();

        protected virtual bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContext httpContext)
            var result = false;

            using (System.IO.MemoryStream m = new System.IO.MemoryStream())
                    if (httpContext.Request.Body.CanSeek == true)
                        httpContext.Request.Body.Position = 0;


                    var bodyString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(m.ToArray());

                    return CheckBody(bodyString); // Initial Auth Check returns true/false <-- Not Shown In Code Here on Stack Overflow
                catch (Exception ex)
                return false;


This code would be accessed when a call is made to a controller method marked with the CustomAuthorization attribute like so.

public ActionResult Post([FromBody]UserModel Profile)
    // Process Profile



The implementation of Request.Body depends on the controller action.

如果操作包含参数,则由Microsoft.AspNet.WebUtilities.FileBufferingReadStream实现,该功能支持查找(Request.Body.CanSeek == true).此类型还支持设置Request.Body.Position.

If the action contains parameters it's implemented by Microsoft.AspNet.WebUtilities.FileBufferingReadStream, which supports seeking (Request.Body.CanSeek == true). This type also supports setting the Request.Body.Position.

但是,如果您的操作不包含任何参数,则由Microsoft.AspNet.Loader.IIS.FeatureModel.RequestBody实现,不支持搜索(Request.Body.CanSeek == false).这意味着您无法调整Position属性,而只能开始阅读流.

However, if your action contains no parameters it's implemented by Microsoft.AspNet.Loader.IIS.FeatureModel.RequestBody, which does not support seeking (Request.Body.CanSeek == false). This means you can not adjust the Position property and you can just start reading the stream.


This difference probably has to do with the fact that MVC needs to extract the parameters values from the request body, therefore it needs to read the request.


In your case, your action does not have any parameters. So the Microsoft.AspNet.Loader.IIS.FeatureModel.RequestBody is used, which throws an exception if you try to set the Position property.


Solution: either do not set the position or check if you actually can set the position first:

if (Request.Body.CanSeek)
    // Reset the position to zero to read from the beginning.
    Request.Body.Position = 0;

var input = new StreamReader(Request.Body).ReadToEnd();


09-02 18:16