

我正在使用Flickr API来使我的应用根据用户搜索显示图像.我不断收到此错误:JSONException: No value for photo

I'm using the Flickr API to get my app to display images depending on user search. I keep getting this error: JSONException: No value for photo


public ArrayList<Category> processResults(Response response) {
    ArrayList<Category> categories = new ArrayList<>();

    try {
        String jsonData = response.body().string();
        if (response.isSuccessful()) {
            JSONObject flickrJSON = new JSONObject(jsonData);
            //json data
            JSONArray photoJSON = flickrJSON.getJSONArray("photo");


the json format is this:

    photos: { page: 1,
              pages: 2165,
              perpage: 100,
              total: "216413",
              photo: [ { id: "37095719122",


由于代码的new JSONObject()部分工作正常,因此可以安全地假设您获取的JSON对象是有效的,在这种情况下,您的实际JSON对象是有效的必须看起来像这样:

Since the new JSONObject() part of your code works fine, its safe to assume that the JSON object you are getting is valid and in that case your actuall JSON object must look something like this :

    photos: { page: 1,
              pages: 2165,
              perpage: 100,
              total: "216413",
              photo: [ { id: "37095719122",


The variable flickerJSON would contain this whole object and the only field it has is photos, while the photo field you are trying to access is an inner field of photos object.


Hence, you can access the photo field like this :

JSONArray photoJSON = flickrJSON.getJSONObject("photos").getJSONArray("photo");


09-02 18:09