

我正在使用AngularJS的 xeditable 模块中的 editable-text 指令.有没有办法禁用整个页面的指令?

I am using the editable-text directive from the xeditable module for AngularJS. Is there a way to disable the directive for the entire page?

我考虑过用 {{variable}} 替换可编辑文本,其中 variable ="editable-text" 启用和 variable ="somethingElse"禁用.但是,这会在html中产生毫无意义的属性.

I thought about using replacing editable-text with {{variable}}, where variable="editable-text" to enable and variable="somethingElse" to disable. However, this produces meaningless attributes in the html.



It is possible to remove directive with another directive. For this, new directive should have higher priority than the one being removed, then in compilation state you search for elements with required directive and remove tag/class/element wholetogether. Here's a very simple realisation of this:

.directive("disableDirective", function () {
    function compile (el, attr) {
        var hasDirective = el[0].querySelectorAll("["+attr.disableDirective+"]");

        [].forEach.call(hasDirective, function (el) {

    return {
        priority: 100000,
        compile: compile

由于我们的指令,在以下HTML DIV中将可见:

In the following HTML DIV will be visible, thanks to our directive:

<body disable-directive="ng-hide">
  <div ng-hide="true">Hidden</div>

您必须为页面设置 disable-directive ="editable-text" .

JSBin .


09-02 17:41