


I would like to fetch activities info(Such as configchanges, resizemode, if Picture in Picture is supported) of all the packages present in the device.

我可以使用带有 GET_ACTIVITIES 标志的 PackageManager 来获取活动信息.这样,我可以使用 ActivityInfo.configChanges 获得 configChanges 值.

I am able to fetch the activities info using PackageManager with GET_ACTIVITIES flag. With that I can get configChanges value using ActivityInfo.configChanges.

但是,如果在 android:configChanges 中设置了多个配置值,则该值将返回一个随机整数.

However the value returns a random int if there are multiple config values set in android:configChanges.




Getting configchanges value using below code

PackageInfo packageInfo = mPackageManager.getPackageInfo(packageName, PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES);

ActivityInfo activityInfo[] = packageInfo.activities;

if(activityInfo!=null) {
    for(ActivityInfo activity : activityInfo) {
      int configChange = activity.configChanges;

我得到 activity.configChanges 值为23047

I get activity.configChanges value as 23047

23047代表什么,我该如何对其进行解码,以便获得在 AndroidManifest.xml

What does 23047 denotes, how do I decode it so that I can get the config values that are set in AndroidManifest.xml

除此之外,我们还有任何方法可以获取 activity.resizeMode .我了解这是 @hide api.我可以在Android Studio中以调试模式看到该值.

In Addition to that is there any way we can get activity.resizeMode . I understand that it is @hide api. I can see the value in debugging mode though in Android Studio.


Any leads/help to above will be really useful.


configChanges 是位掩码.


To check if a given bit is set, you simply need to use an appropriate bitwise operator.

例如,要检查是否设置了 uiMode ,您可以执行以下操作:

For example, to check if uiMode is set you could do something like this:

int configChanges = activityInfo.configChanges;

if ((configChanges & ActivityInfo.CONFIG_UI_MODE) == ActivityInfo.CONFIG_UI_MODE) {
    // uiMode is set
} else {
    // uiMode is not set


Defining a method might make it easier:

public boolean isConfigSet(int configMask, int configToCheck) {
    return (configMask & configToCheck) == configToCheck;


int configChanges = activityInfo.configChanges;

boolean uiModeSet = isConfigSet(configChanges, ActivityInfo.CONFIG_UI_MODE);
boolean colorModeSet = isConfigSet(configChanges, ActivityInfo.CONFIG_COLOR_MODE);
// ...


Reliably, no. You might be able to access it through the reflection API, although Google released a blog post recently stating the following:


(accessing hidden fields via reflection is strongly discouraged anyway)


09-10 20:39