

我想要的是一个imagebutton,当用户按下该按钮时,该按钮会更改为另一个图像。以下是我的目录列表。如您所见,我没有drawable-hdpi,drawable-mdpi ..等。而且我也看不到mipmap-hdpi,mipmap-mdpi ..等。我的问题是我无法为我的imagebutton添加选择器xml。


我的程序显示了按钮,但是当我在content_main中添加android:background = @ drawable / fbpressed代码段时,程序将失败。它说不幸的是Login2已经停止!

All I want is that an imagebutton which changes to another image when user press the button on. Following is my directory list. As you see I don't have drawable-hdpi, drawable-mdpi ..and others. And also I can't see mipmap-hdpi, mipmap-mdpi ..and others. My problem is I can't add selector xml for my imagebutton.directory listFollowing image is my content_main file which known as activity_main.content_main.
My program shows the image of button but when I add android:background="@drawable/fbpressed" code piece in content_main, the program fails. it says unfortunately Login2 has stopped!

我为选择器文件fbpress.xml尝试了很多组合。就像我尝试了android:icon = @ mipmap / facebook_pressed一样,但是一次又一次失败。知道吗?

I tried lots of combination for my selector file which is fbpress.xml. like I tried android:icon="@mipmap/facebook_pressed" but it fails again and again. any idea?


是的,我已经解决了这个问题。如果将资源文件添加到按钮中,我不知道应该更改我的values / styles.xml文件。 (这是fbpress.xml)

Yes guys I've solved the problem. I did not know that i should change my values/styles.xml file if i add an resource file into my button. (which is fbpress.xml)


Also I changed my folder representation from Android style to Project style so that i can see my mipmap-hdpi, mdpi etc.

我将这些行添加到我的styles.xml中。 fbpress是我的资源文件,它是选择器文件。

change from android to projectI add those lines into my styles.xml. fbpress is my resource file which is selector file.

<style name="fbpressed" parent="@android:style/Widget.Button">
    <item name="android:background">@drawable/fbpressed</item>

以下是我的content_main.xml部分。我在此文件中添加了android:background = @ drawable:fbpressed和style = @ style / fbpressed行。


Following is my part of content_main.xml. I added android:background="@drawable:fbpressed" and style="@style/fbpressed" lines into this file.imageButtonAnd finally my button works =) Thanks for all your helps


09-02 17:20