




I'm pretty new to Java. I'm currently reading input from a URL which provides me with a real-time stream of text. I want to continually write this to a text file, so every time the URL gives a new string I add this to a string buffer, outside of my infinite while loop I write the contents of the buffer to my file. The trouble is, I need a way of exiting the while loop because the server never stops giving me data, so I want to do something such as enter 0 in the console to exit the while loop and write the contents to a file. On that subject, does anybody know if my object of the StringBuffer class will reach a storage limit?



The loop should not write to an in-memory buffer, but to the file writer directly (wrapped inside a BufferedWriter). This will avoid running out of memory.

你应该启动一个执行你的while循环的新线程,并在每次迭代时测试是否要求线程自行中断,使用 Thread.currentThread()。isInterrupted()。一旦中断,线程应该停止while循环,并关闭writer。

You should start a new thread which executes your while loop, and tests at each iteration if the thread has been asked to interrupt itself, using Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted(). Once interrupted, the thread should stop the while loop, and close the writer.

从命令行读取主线程,并在输入stop命令时调用编写器线程上的 interrupt()

Have your main thread read from the command line, and when the stop command is entered, call interrupt() on the writer thread.


09-02 16:42