


I need to read data from barcode scanner in a web page. I agree that a usb scanner or a scanner equipped with keyboard wedge driver could get the data to a text field in the web page. I'm curious to know how do we read the data from RS-232 based scanner and bluetooth scanner. Will they also get the data to a textfield in a web page without any extra effort?If not, how do I accomplish that?


是的,如果你要扫描到网页的形式(而不是你自己的桌面应用程序),您需要有计算机上的某些类型的键盘楔软件该浏览到的网页。 (避风港 t一起使用它,但它看起来还支持蓝牙)。

Yes, if you're scanning into a webpage form (and not your own desktop app), you need to have some type of keyboard wedge software on the computer that browses to the webpage. Here's one (haven't used it, but it looks like it also supports "bluetooth").


However, I'd surprised that the vendor of the scanner doesn't already supply the wedge software. Also, if the scanner uses bluetooth, it might work on the Bluetooth HID profile, which would mean that your OS would "see it" as a keyboard. Check with the vendor.


09-02 16:04