


I'm trying to separate a Java Library, that is used by multiple Android "services", into a dynamic or shared library that can be loaded by those independent services without having the library included into the APK of each service.

我知道有这样做的,如创建一个Android服务或使用DexLoader与思考,但我想,以避免改变库源的不同方式。相反,我试图建立它和我的设备上(实际上延长了提供的Andr​​oid API)安装。

I know there are different ways of doing this like creating an Android Service or using DexLoader and Reflection but I'm trying to avoid changing the source of the library. Instead I'm trying to build it and install it on my device (essentially extending the provided android API).

下面是一个非常类似的问题是仍然无人应答:<一href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8733530/create-android-apps-in-eclipse-sharing-common-library?answertab=active#tab-top">Create Android应用程序在Eclipse中共享公共库

The following is a very similar question which is still unanswered:Create Android apps in Eclipse sharing common library


I know this is something Google doesn't want to disclose so finding information online is extremely difficult.

到目前为止,我已经试过在框架目录放置一个简单的Hello World程序,并建立它成功地创造了一个罐子我的计划。然后,我在产品/ core.mk加入我的包,另外根据API添加我的包定义/ 10.xml之后,我跑了让SDK,这导致了以下错误消息:

So far I've tried placing a simple "Hello World" program under the frameworks dir and build it which successfully created a jar for my program. Then I added my package in product/core.mk and in addition added my package definition under api/10.xml after which I ran "make sdk" which resulted in the following error message:

You have tried to change the API from what has been previously released in
an SDK.  Please fix the errors listed above.
make: *** [out/target/common/obj/PACKAGING/checkapi-last-timestamp] Error 38


As a workaround I added my package into "public_api.xml" file, inside the out directory, which is somehow dynamically created during the build process. With this workaround the SDK is built with no errors (although if I do clean again I'll have to modify the public_api.xml again because it will be removed due to clean). However, when I try to import and use my package anywhere it still says that my package "does not exist"

任何帮助将大大AP preciated!谢谢!

Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!



Finally figured it out. The solution turns out to be very simple!

将库在框架/基文件夹,并确保所有源$ C ​​$ c是在Java目录下,像这样:

Place your library in the frameworks/base folder and make sure all your source code is inside under java directory like so:

../frameworks/base/HelloWorld/java/<source files and folders>

修改 core.mk位于文件建立/目标/产品/ 以包括你的包在列表中。这将增加的HelloWorld库的框架:

Edit core.mk file located under build/target/product/ to include your package in the list. This will add HelloWorld library to the framework:

    bouncycastle \
    DefaultContainerService \
    Bugreport \

修改 pathmap.mk位于建立/核心/ 以包括您在列表目录下文件。这将增加的HelloWorld库中的android.jar

Edit pathmap.mk file located under build/core/ to include your directory in the list. This will add HelloWorld library to the android.jar

    $(addsuffix /java, \
        core \
        graphics \
        location \
        media \
        opengl \
        sax \
        telephony \
        wifi \
        vpn \
        keystore \
        voip \
        HelloWorld \

完成。重建Android和它不应该抱怨,你的库添加到 framework.jar



09-02 15:05