读取和操纵,或被具有恶意意图的人拦截。您不能信任Cookie中的任何数据(session_id除外)。 - 如果您为每个用户每页请求添加1k的数据,则可能会增加您的带宽减少10-15%。从$$角度来看,这可能不是很昂贵,但可以从性能的角度看。
* size_of_session_data
必须小于您的服务器上可用的可用内存。 Session variables and cookies seem very similar to me. I understand the technical differences, but how do you decide when to use one vs. the other?
Sessions are stored on the server, which means clients do not have access to the information you store about them. Session data, being stored on your server, does not need to be transmitted in full with each page; clients just need to send an ID and the data is loaded from the server.
On the other hand, Cookies are stored on the client. They can be made durable for a long time and would allow you to work more smoothly when you have a cluster of web servers. However unlike Sessions, data stored in Cookies is transmitted in full with each page request.
Avoid storing data in cookies
- it can be seen, read and manipulated by the end user, or intercepted by those with nefarious intent. You can't trust any data in cookies, except for the "session_id".
- It increases your bandwidth, if you add 1k of data per page request per user, that might increase your bandwith by 10-15%. This is perhaps not costly from a $$ perspective, but it could be from a performance perspective. It effectively would decrease your bandwidth on a per server by 10-15%, ie It might cause you to need more servers.
What you can store in session data depends on the amount of data and number of users you have.
must be less than free memory available on your server.