


I have an audio track in AIFF format. I would like to open this audio file with Python, and import the amplitudes of the sound and perform some mathematical analysis such as Fourier Transform, etc.

  1. 这在Python中可行吗?
  2. 有没有可以让我获取音频文件的库或模块?

在整个搜索过程中,我发现了 scipy.io.wavfile ,适用于WAV音频文件.

Throughout my search, I have found scipy.io.wavfile, which works for WAV audio files.

  1. 还有其他库可以用Python导入音频文件吗?
  2. AIFF文件是否有类似内容?


Obviously, I can convert the AIFF into a WAV file, but I would like to import the AIFF file directly, if possible.


As a side question: are there some more specific (by specific, I mean better than Python) programming languages to perform such kind of analysis and acquisition of audio files?


Python作为标准库的一部分附带了AIFF支持-请参见 aifc 模块.

Python comes with AIFF support as part of the standard library -- see the aifc module.

根据最终目标是什么,使用专门设计用于与以下工具配合使用的工具 PureData 可能会提高工作效率.音频,并具有读取音频文件和执行fft作为原语的功能.

Depending on what your end goals are, you may be more productive using a tool like PureData that's designed just for working with audio and has things like reading audio files and performing ffts as primitives.


09-21 05:24