是。每个人都在测试Android Studio。我在项目中使用Eclipse,我想迁移到Android Studio。我的项目有问题。
Yes. Everybody are testing Android Studio. I'm using Eclipse in my projects and I want to migrate to Android Studio. I'm having problems with my projects.
Not a great how to in my opinion.
I'm using in my project libraries that are not in .jar formats but they're eclipse projects (with checked "is library" in properties).
你能告诉我如何将我的项目移到Android Studio?我遇到了很多错误。我也在使用Google Play服务,Android Studio向我展示了相同API的旧版本。
Could you tell me how to move my projects to Android Studio? I'm having problems and tons of errors. I'm also using Google Play Services and Android Studio showed me old versions of the same API's.
How to add for example ActionBarSherlock or Android-ViewPagerIndicator?
Shoud我导入就像在eclipse中所有这些项目。但在Android Studio中,我不能将项目标记为库?
Shoud I import just like in eclipse all of these projects. But in Android Studio I can't mark project as library or not?
在 build.gradle 文件:
dependencies {
compile files('libs/android-support-v4.jar')
compile project(':MyLibrary')
And, in the IntelliJ Module file, HelloWorld.iml:
<orderEntry type="library" name="android-support-v4" level="application" />
<orderEntry type="library" name="MyLibrary.aar" level="project" />
在图书馆项目中,没有太多事情要做:告诉Gradle和Android Studio这是一个Android图书馆,应用插件:'android-library'和选项名称=LIBRARY_PROJECTvalue =true。
In the library project, there’s not much to do: tell Gradle and Android Studio that this is an Android library, with apply plugin: ‘android-library’ and option name="LIBRARY_PROJECT" value="true" , respectively.
这篇关于Android Studio - 如何使用库(从eclipse项目)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!