

我有一个代码以相同的包名称( second )加载文件夹中的所有类。

I have a code that load all classes in folder with same package name ( second ).

如何我可以更改它以将带有引用包的文件夹中的所有类加载(不在 second 中)(并且我们不知道包名称)

how can i change it to load all classes in a folder with deference package (not in second) (and we don't know the package name)

int classCounter = 0;

File folderAdded = new File("..//940424//second");
File [] classFileAdded = folderAdded.listFiles();
String [] addedClassName = new String [classFileAdded.length];
List<Operations> newOp = new ArrayList<Operations>();
Operations newOpTemp = null;

for(int i = 0; classCounter < classFileAdded.length; classCounter++){
    addedClassName [classCounter] = classFileAdded[classCounter].getAbsolutePath().substring(classFileAdded[classCounter].getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf("\\")+1);
    addedClassName [classCounter] = addedClassName[classCounter].substring(0,(addedClassName[classCounter].lastIndexOf(".")));
    addedClassName [classCounter] = "second." + addedClassName[classCounter];

    Class addedClass = Class.forName(addedClassName[classCounter]);
    newOpTemp = (Operations)addedClass.newInstance();
        if (newOpTemp instanceof Operations){
            newOp.add( i, newOpTemp);



  1. 如果要加载类,则相应的文件夹必须位于类路径中(您可以确保吗?不知道文件夹的名称吗?)

  2. 如果要使用包 abClassName 加载类,则文件必须位于文件夹 a / b / ClassName.class (否则,加载将失败)

  1. If you want to load classes, the corresponding folder must be in your classpath (can you ensure this -- as you don't know the folder's name?)
  2. If you want to load a class with package a.b.ClassName the file must be located in folder a/b/ClassName.class (otherwise, loading will fail)


如果您知道文件夹名称,则也知道程序包名称(这就是窍门)。在Java中,它必须彼此对应。如果某个类在软件包 a.b 中,则必须在文件夹 a / b / 中。如果只知道根文件夹,即 pathToRootFolder / a / b / ,则可以使用以下方式搜索文件夹

If you know the folder name, you also know the package name (that's the trick). It must correspond to each other in Java. If a class is in package a.b it must be in folder a/b/. If you only know the root-folder, ie, pathToRootFolder/a/b/ you can search for folders using

File root = new File("<rootFolder>");
File[] files = root.listFiles()


and check each file if it is a directory:

for(File f : files) {
  if(f.isDirectory()) {
    // do processing


If there is only one file in a single package structure, there should be only one directory and the name must corresponds to the package name (of course you need to "step into the directory" until there is no further nesting, ie, no sub-folder, and this last folder contains the actual class you want to load. This way to can extract the directory structure and thus the package name.



  1. 为什么在新文件( ..// 940424 // second)中输入 // (这是拼写错误,应该是 \\ )[btw:最好使用 File.separator ]

  2. 为什么有变量 i 在您的for循环中,但实际上使用 classCounter ??

  3. addedClassName [classCounter] = classFileAdded [classCounter] .getAbsolutePath()。substring(classFileAdded [classCounter] .getAbsolutePath()。lastIndexOf( \\)+ 1); 您提取文件名,对吗?为什么不只使用 addedClassName [classCounter] = classFileAdded [classCounter] .getName()

  1. Why // in new File("..//940424//second") (is this a typo and should be \\) [btw: it is better to use File.separator]
  2. Why do you have variable i in your for-loop but actually use classCounter ??
  3. In addedClassName[classCounter] = classFileAdded[classCounter].getAbsolutePath().substring(classFileAdded[classCounter].getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf("\\")+1); you extract the file name, right? Why you not just use addedClassName[classCounter] = classFileAdded[classCounter].getName()?


09-02 13:59