

最近我注意到,当我加载的WebView基于关​​闭code从文件(使用的资产或本地目录),web视图会泄漏内存,一旦destroy()方法被调用。我已经把范围缩小到一个引用的问题。该计划/ web视图,使原来的观点的副本,并失去了JNI表中的引用 - 这最终导致程序后,512项崩溃

I've recently noticed that when I load a webview based off code from a file (using assets or a local directory), the WebView will leak the memory once the destroy() method is called. I've narrowed it down to a referencing issue. The program/webview makes copies of the original view and loses the references in the JNI table - this eventually causes the program to crash after 512 entries.


I have seen this article, but the non-leaking webview fix does not seem to work with HTML in the assets or external folders.



The issue does not exist when the application is entirely server based; but, I need the application to be able to "sync" data and update the offline repo with these views.

另外的信息:我已经采取了webviews,把他们在一个ViewPager允许滚动。在3.2.4 / 1不存在这个问题,但已经出现在4.0.3。我得到了很多JNI警告,(没能找到入口),他们仍然存在后的意见被破坏。我看着它通过HPROF,我已经注意到了,HTML下榻残留在失去了变数。

Further info: I have taken the webviews and put them in a ViewPager to allow for scrolling. This issue did not exist in 3.2.4/1 but has appeared in 4.0.3. I get a lot of JNI Warnings, (failed to find entry) and they still exist after the views are destroyed. I've looked at it through the hprof, and I have noticed that the HTML is staying residual in lost variables.

如何纠正这种行为将AP preciated任何光线。

Any light on how to correct this behavior would be appreciated.



Failed adding to JNI local ref table (has 512 entries)
"Thread-375" prio=5 tid=15 RUNNABLE
| group="main" sCount=0 dsCount=0 obj=0x41504a90 self=0x1a9cf80
| sysTid=10314 nice=0 sched=0/0 cgrp=default handle=27159240
| schedstat=( 455083000 66745000 774 ) utm=30 stm=15 core=3

at android.content.res.AssetManager.readAsset(Native Method)
at android.content.res.AssetManager.access$700(AssetManager.java:35)
at android.content.res.AssetManager$AssetInputStream.read(AssetManager.java:573)
at dalvik.system.NativeStart.run(Native Method)



To fix this issue, you have to load from the SD Card, or some other storage mechanism. The bug is permanent when a Javascript file is loaded, I don't know if it's fixed in Chrome, but it does not seem to be fixed in Browser in the newest OS.


.destroy() - >销毁此的WebView的内部状态。后这个web视图已经从该视图体系中除去此方法应被调用

.destroy() --> Destroys the internal state of this WebView. This method should be called after this WebView has been removed from the view system.


09-02 13:40