

本文介绍了通过简单的URL Sheme问题在Native Facebook IOS App中打开Facebook页面的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



我想使用URL Scheme在本地IOS Facebook App中打开我的Facebook页面(不是个人资料)。

I want to open my Facebook Page (not profile) in native IOS Facebook App, using URL Scheme.

我正在测试此功能 - 在此示例中 fb://个人资料

I'm testing this feature - on this example fb://profile


但是,当我试图打开我的Facebook页面时 - fb:// page / 141720395863506

But, when i trying to open my Facebook Page - by fb://page/141720395863506


it just redirect me to Facebook app and nothing happens, simply opens the application, and loads news feed.

确实,Facebook IOS App Url Sheme仍支持此功能。

Please, help me.I can't find any documentation of official facebook developers guide.And have some quistions:Does, Facebook IOS App Url Sheme still support this feature.And that I might be doing wrong in this situation?



我相信我找到了一个解决方案...目前在facebook ios 5.0.1 for iPhone下运行..尚未在iPad上试过。

I believe I've found a solution... It works currently under facebook ios 5.0.1 for iPhone.. haven't tried it in iPad yet.

网址为fb:// profile / 132753734806

The url is fb://profile/132753734806

现在重要的部分就是那个数字。这与我的一位客户Charles Scott有关。但是,这不是他们的FBID或Page ID ..他们的页面ID是10150348920319807

NOW the important part is that number. That links to one of my clients, Charles Scott. HOWEVER, that's not their FBID or Page ID.. their Page ID is 10150348920319807

所以你认为它应该是fb:// profile / 10150348920319807但是这给了我一个错误。

so you would think it should be fb://profile/10150348920319807 but that gives me an error.


Here's how you get the correct code.. click on any of your page's photos.. here's an example for my client

如果您注意到在该URL中fbid =之后无效的FBID。你想要的数字就在& type = 1剧院之前,但是在最后一段时间之后。 132753734806是在fb:// profile /

if you notice the FBID that does not work follows fbid= in that URL.. the number you WANT is just before the &type=1theater but following that last period. 132753734806 is the correct code to punch in after fb://profile/


I hope that makes some sense... I know zero about code or coding but this was bothering me so much and I knew there was a way.

现在,我希望能回答/工作的两个问题.. 1.如果这可以在Android手机上运行2.为此网址创建一个有效的qr代码,以便人们可以使用ios设备扫描并自动打开

Now, the two questions I would love to have answered/working.. 1. if this could work on android phones 2. create a working qr code for this url so people can scan with ios devices and have it open automatically


Good luck and I hope this helps everyone!

这篇关于通过简单的URL Sheme问题在Native Facebook IOS App中打开Facebook页面的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

09-02 13:05