我收到了来自Google的以下电子邮件.我在Google云端硬盘中有几个Google Apps脚本,只有我使用过,并且会自动运行一整夜,以将通过gmail接收的CSV报告处理为有意义的内容,然后将其通过电子邮件发送给我的同事.
I received the below email from Google. I have several Google Apps scripts in my Google Drive, that only I use, and run automatically overnight to process CSV reports received in gmail into something meaningful and then email them out to my colleagues.
It is not clear from this email, or the FAQ, whether I now need to do anything to keep them running after the end of March. I don't THINK I do, but if someone could confirm that would be great.
我们发送此电子邮件是因为您在以下联系人中被列为联系人 使用OAuth 2.0访问Google API的Google Cloud Project:
We sent this email because you’re listed as a contact on the following Google Cloud Project(s) using OAuth 2.0 to access Google APIs:
project-id-3665913030667953527 project-id-4131782174672495334在 2018年10月,我们宣布在2019年1月推出新的Gmail API 限制范围的政策将生效.我们想让你 请注意,从今天开始,您可以提交使用以下内容的应用 限制的验证范围.请查看完整政策,并 OAuth常见问题解答,以获取更多信息,包括安全处理 要求.
project-id-3665913030667953527 project-id-4131782174672495334 In October 2018, we announced that, in January 2019, new Gmail API policies for restricted scopes will go into effect. We want to let you know that, starting today, you can submit your app(s) that use restricted scopes for verification. Please review the full policy and OAuth FAQ for more information including the secure handling requirement.
您需要做什么如果您想使用受限范围之一, 通过Google API控制台进行验证(在左侧菜单上 点击凭据",然后点击"OAuth同意"屏幕) 以上所列项目的2019年16月16日和2月15日.拥有者 该项目的编辑者将可以提交进行验证并 为同一G Suite域中的用户提供内部应用程序的开发人员 不需要这样做.
What you need to do If you want to use one of the restricted scopes, for verification through the Google API Console (On the left side menu click Credentials, then click OAuth consent screen) between January 16th and February 15th, 2019 for the project(s) listed above. Owners and editors of the project will be able to submit for verification and developers with internal apps for users in the same G Suite domain do not need to do this.
如果您不采取措施如果您不提交以下内容的验证: 2019年2月15日,我们将在禁用新用户的帐户访问 2019年2月22日.
If you do not take action If you do not submit for verification by February 15th, 2019, we’ll disable account access for new users on February 22nd, 2019.
如果您未在2019年3月31日之前提交验证,我们将 撤销现有的消费者赠款.
If you do not submit for verification by March 31st, 2019, we’ll revoke existing consumer grants.
感谢Google Cloud Platform/API Trust&安全
Thanks, Google Cloud Platform/API Trust & Safety
Their email is not totally clear, is it? Since you are using the restricted scopes for internal use, you probably don't need to submit your app for verification. However, Google's email says that your access will be revoked after March 31.
您可能会从Google收到此电子邮件,因为您的应用未列为内部"应用类型.在 OAuth同意屏幕设置中打开Google开发者控制台,并检查是否这样Google知道您不打算向陌生人请求访问权限.参见下图.
You might be getting this email from Google because your app is not listed as an "Internal" Application type. Open your Google developer console to the OAuth consent screen settings and check that it is so that Google knows that you don't intend to request access from strangers. See image below.
Don't forget to save your settings after making any changes.
这篇关于Google Apps脚本限制范围的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!