

编译控制台程序后,控制台窗口在运行后立即关闭.保持开放的最佳做法是什么?我已经搜索了谷歌负载,我已经习惯了你不必担心的代码块,但是,我想稍微弄乱一下 Visual Studio 和 VS,我的控制台关闭了.在整个 interwebz 上,有几种不同的方法可以让它保持打开状态,但是,我读过它们中的大多数都是糟糕的编码技术.大家喜欢的方法是什么?

After compiling console programs the console window closes immediately after running. What is the best practice for keeping it open? I've searched google loads, I'm used to codeblocks where you don't have to worry about it, but, I want to mess around with Visual Studio a bit and with VS, my console closes. All over the interwebz there are several different ways to keep it open, however, I've read that most of them are bad coding techniques. What is everyones preferred method?


当我使用 Visual Studio 并且不需要调试时,我只需使用 + 击键 –它可以防止控制台关闭.

When I'm using Visual Studio and I don't need debugging I just run it using + keystroke – and it prevents console from closing.


09-02 11:47