


  1. 更改版本设置:

    标题搜索路径: -I / usr / local / include

    图书馆搜索路径: / usr / local / lib

  1. 转到终端并输入 fltk-config --ldflags

    -L / usr / local / Cellar / fltk / 1.3.2_1 / lib -lfltk -lpthread -framework Cocoa

    在Xcode Build设置中,粘贴到其他链接器标记


  1. 在这些步骤之后,Xcode成功编译文件。

Errors I get when trying to build the first block of code on this page under Xcode

I installed FLTK with homebrew by brew install FLTK and there were no errors:

/usr/local/Cellar/fltk/1.3.2_1: 315 files, 5.8M, built in 93 seconds

I realize this problem has been asked before, but the answer

did not work for me or I got the specific file paths wrong. I have tried Xcode 5.1.1 and 6.0 and both have the same problem.

I have attached a screenshot of my build settings.


I have found the solution at groups.google.com and below is what I have done:

  1. Change build settings as such:

    Header Search Paths : -I/usr/local/include

    Library Search Paths : /usr/local/lib

  1. Go to terminal and type fltk-config --ldflags

    You get a line of flags, mine was-L/usr/local/Cellar/fltk/1.3.2_1/lib -lfltk -lpthread -framework Cocoa.

    In Xcode Build settings, paste that in other linker flags

  1. After these steps Xcode compiled the file successfully.


10-21 01:06