The string input comes from textarea where users are supposed to enter every single item on a new line.
When processing the form, it is easy to explode the textarea input into an array of single items like this:
$arr = explode("\n", $textareaInput);
它可以正常工作,但是我担心它不能在其他系统中正常工作(我目前只能在Windows中进行测试).我知道换行符表示为\ r \ n或跨不同平台仅表示为\ r.上面的代码行在Linux,Solaris,BSD或其他OS上也能正常工作吗?
It works fine but I am worried about it not working correctly in different systems (I can currently only test in Windows). I know newlines are represented as \r\n or as just \r across different platforms. Will the above line of code also work correctly under Linux, Solaris, BSD or other OS?
'\ r'本身作为行终止符是一种旧的约定,现在不再使用了(因为OSX是基于Unix的).
'\r' by itself as a line terminator is an old convention that's not really used anymore (not since OSX which is Unix based).
会没事的.对于Windows用户,只需在每个结果元素中的'\ r'下trim
Your explode
will be fine. Just trim
off the '\r' in each resulting element for the Windows users.