

所以我有简单的 Gauge 类和静态 int 属性,实现了 Propertychanged:

So i have simple Gauge class with static int property that implement Propertychanged:


这个 property 一直在增加,我想写一个简单的 converter 并发送这个 converter 这个 property> value 并根据这个 property 返回一些值:

This property is raising all the time and i want to wrote simple converter and send this converter this property value and return some value base on this property:

public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
int val = (int)value;
    double percentage = ((double)MyClass.TotalPacketsSent / MyClass.TotalPacketsInList) * 100;
    return percentage;

        public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

Window.Resources 下我有这个:

<Convertors:GaugeValueConverter x:Key="GaugeValueConverter"/>


<Controllers:Gauge x:Name="gauge"
                   Value="{Binding Path=(my:MyClass.TotalPacketsSent), Converter={StaticResource GaugeValueConverter}}"

所以我的问题是我的 converter 根本不工作,我的意思是我看不到它甚至执行了.任何想法为什么?

So my issue is that my converter not working at all, i mean that i cannot see that this even executed.Any ideas why ?

这个 property 一直在变化,我有 Label 我用这种方式来显示它的价值:

This property is changing all the time and i have Label i am using this way to show its value:

Content="{Binding Path=(my:MyClass.TotalPacketsSent)}"



您将 value 参数转换为 int 参数,然后不使用它.

You're casting the value argument as an int and then not using it.

我想你正在寻找的是类似的东西(派生自 IMultiValueConverter 而不是 IValueConverter):

I imagine what you're looking for is something like (deriving from IMultiValueConverter rather than IValueConverter):

public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
    double totalPacketsSent = (double)values[0];
    double totalPacketsInList = (double)values[1];

    // further validation for handling divide by zero, etc. may need to go here

    return totalPacketsSent / totalPacketsInList * 100

在 XAML 中:

<Controllers:Gauge x:Name="gauge" Minimum="0" Maximum="100">
        <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource GaugeValueConverter}">
            <Binding Path="(my:MyClass.TotalPacketsSent)" />
            <Binding Path="(my:MyClass.TotalPacketsInList)" />


09-02 10:56