



<$ p $

{ - #LANGUAGE RankNTypes# - }


类型Lens ca = forall f。 Functor f => (a - > f a) - > (c - > f c)

getWith ::(a - > b) - > ((a→Const b a)→(c→Const b c))→> (c - > b)
getWith f l = getConst。 l(Const。f)

get :: Lens c a - > c - > a
get lens = getWith id lens


  get :: Lens ca  - > c  - > a 
get = getWith id


 无法匹配预期类型`Lens c a'
,其实际类型为'(a0 - > Const b0 a0) - > c0 - > Const b0 c0'
预期类型:Lens c a - > c - > a
实际类型:((a0-> Const b0 a0) - > c0 - > Const b0 c0)
- > c0 - > b0
调用的返回类型中:getWith id




我会说,原因不在于η减少本身,问题在于 RankNTypes 您将失去和类型推断。


  Γ,x:σ|  -  M:ρ
Γ| - λx:σ.M:σ →ρ

我们不知道应该为 x选择什么类型的σ 。在Hindley-Milner类型系统的情况下,我们将自己限制为 x 的无类型量词的类型,并且推理是可能的,但不适用于任意排序类型。所以即使使用 RankNTypes ,当编译器遇到一个没有明确类型信息的术语时,它会诉诸于Hindley-Milner并推断它的一级主要类型。然而,在你的情况下,你需要的类型 getWith id 是rank-2,所以编译器不能自己推断它。


  get lens = getWith id lens 

对应于已经明确给出 x 的类型λ的情况(X:σ).MX 。在检查 getWith id lens 之前,编译器知道 lens 的类型。


  get = getWith id 
/ pre>

编译器必须自行推断出 getWidth id 的类型,所以它坚持使用Hindley- Milner并推断排名不足的类型。

I was playing around with van Laarhoven lenses and ran into a problem where the type-checker rejects the eta-reduced form of a well-typed function:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

import Control.Applicative

type Lens c a = forall f . Functor f => (a -> f a) -> (c -> f c)

getWith :: (a -> b) -> ((a -> Const b a) -> (c -> Const b c)) -> (c -> b)
getWith f l = getConst . l (Const . f)

get :: Lens c a -> c -> a
get lens = getWith id lens

The above type-checks but if I eta-reduce get to

get :: Lens c a -> c -> a
get = getWith id

Then GHC (7.4.2) complains that

Couldn't match expected type `Lens c a'
            with actual type `(a0 -> Const b0 a0) -> c0 -> Const b0 c0'
Expected type: Lens c a -> c -> a
  Actual type: ((a0 -> Const b0 a0) -> c0 -> Const b0 c0)
               -> c0 -> b0
In the return type of a call of `getWith'
In the expression: getWith id

I can understand that if the function didn't have an explicit type-signature then eta-reduction in combination with the monomorphism restriction might confuse the type inference, especially when we are dealing with higher rank types, but in this case I'm not sure what's going on.

What causes GHC to reject the eta-reduced form and is this a bug/limitation in GHC or some fundamental problem with higher rank types?


I'd say that the reason isn't in the η-reduction itself, the problem is that with RankNTypes you lose principal types and type inference.

The problem with type inference with higher-order ranks is when inferring the type of λx.M to obey the rule

     Γ, x:σ |- M:ρ
  Γ |- λx:σ.M : σ→ρ

we don't know what type σ we should choose for x. In the case of Hindley-Milner type system, we limit ourselves to type-quantifier-free types for x and the inference is possible, but not with arbitrary ranked types.

So even with RankNTypes, when the compiler encounters a term without explicit type information, it resorts to Hindley-Milner and infers its rank-1 principal type. However, in your case the type you need for getWith id is rank-2 and so compiler can't infer it by itself.

Your explicit case

get lens = getWith id lens

corresponds to the situation where the type of x is already given explicitly λ(x:σ).Mx. The compiler knows the type of lens before type-checking getWith id lens.

In the reduced case

get = getWith id

the compiler has to infer the type of getWidth id on it's own, so it sticks with Hindley-Milner and infers the inadequate rank-1 type.


09-02 10:50