



fun curry f x y = f (x, y);
fun uncurry f (x, y) = f x y;
fun compose (f, g) x = f (g x);


I understand compose function, but not quite understand curry and uncurry in ML. Can anyone explain these?


Also, what do the following two lines mean?

(1) compose (compose, uncurry compose)
(2) compose (uncurry compose, compose)



If you look at the types, then you will clearly see what curry and uncurry does.

请记住,可以定义将其参数作为一个大元组或多个参数的函数(实际上,它成为每个带有1个参数的函数的链",请参见此 wiki ):

Remember that it is possible to define function which either takes its arguments as one big tuple, or as multiple arguments (in reality it becomes a "chain" of functions each taking 1 argument, see this wiki):

fun foo (a,x) = a*x+10
fun bar a x = a*x+20


The difference is clearly seen in their types:

val foo = fn : int * int -> int
val bar = fn : int -> int -> int


The curry function "transforms" a function that takes its arguments as a tuple, into a "chain" of functions that each takes 1 of the arguments. This is specifically handy when we want to compose a series of functions where some of them have been partially applied with arguments. See how the type of foo is changed:

- curry foo;
val it = fn : int -> int -> int


Now we can try and compose the two functions:

- (curry foo 5 o bar 1) 4;
val it = 130 : int

首先将4作为参数x应用于bar 1,然后将计算结果(bar 1 4)作为x参数作为foo.

First 4 is applied to bar 1 as the argument x, then the result of that computation (bar 1 4) is given as the x argument to foo.


Obviously uncurry is used for the reverse process:

- uncurry bar;
val it = fn : int * int -> int


09-02 10:38