


I would like to implement IXmlSerializable on a class and only override either ReadXml or WriteXml, but not both. If I didn't implement IXMLSerializable on this class, the XMLSerializer would automatically serialize all members. I'd like that default behavior to apply for the non-overridden case. However, since IXmlSerializable is an interface, and not a base class, I'm not sure how to go about that.


In addition, I need to, in one case, do the default behavior, and when that is complete add some extra code. So, I'd like to override and call back to the 'base' class behavior. Again, this would be trivial if there was a base class, but not so trivial since this is an interface.



在执行操作的能力/序列化后/ deserialisation具备的属性。马克的方法与 OnDeserializedAttribute 它被称为后实例已经deserialised,只是确保该方法具有正确的签名:

The ability to perform actions before/after serialisation/deserialisation is provided with attributes. Mark a method with OnDeserializedAttribute for it to be called after an instance has been deserialised, just ensure the method has the right signature:

private void RunThisMethod(StreamingContext context) { 
  // ...


NB. This attribute works for Binary, SOAP and DataAttribute formatters, but not for XmlSerializer. There is no attribute or mechanism other than implementing IXmlSerializable.


Also do not forget that you can read XML documents directly and write code to (de)serialize.

原来的答复:如果您需要完全重写序列化或deserialisation之一(因而实施的IXmlSerializable ,那么你必须自己做两个。

Original answer:If you need to completely override one of serialisation or deserialisation (and thus implement IXmlSerializable then you have to do both yourself.

这也许可以利用属性和其他机制来避免使用的IXmlSerializable ,你能不能扩大与中的为什么的你的细节问题需要实现的只有一个的ReadXml 中WriteXML

It may be possible to make use of attributes and other mechanisms to avoid using IXmlSerializable, could you expand the question with details of why you need to implement just one of ReadXml or WriteXml.


10-26 18:11