




I have a string array that I want to deserialize. Essentially, it is just a list of objects. Note that the attributes have spaces in the names:

[    {        \"Event Name\": \"Hurricane Irma PR\",        \"Storm Start (LST)\": \"2017-08-30\",        \"Storm End (LST)\": \"2017-09-13\",        \"Grid Cell Number\": 16412,        \"Grid Cell State\": \"PR\",        \"Grid Cell Name\": \"Grid26_0\", ...


I created a public class to template the string based on specific attributes that I want ( I don't want all the data) but I am not sure how to handle for the spaces in the names of the attributes that I want.

    public class New_Events_Dataset
        public string EventName { get; set; }
        public string StormStart { get; set; }
        public string StormEnd { get; set; }
        public string GridCellState { get; set; }
        public string GridCellName { get; set; }
        public string USGSGageSiteNo { get; set; }
        public string ReturnPeriodatGridCell { get; set; }

当我在类 New_Events_Dataset 中应用反序列化器时,如下所示:

When I apply the deserializer with my class New_Events_Dataset like this:

    var jsonResponse = returnJson.Deserialize<List<New_Events_Dataset>>(strresult);
    string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(jsonResponse);
                return json;


I end up returning something like this. What am I doing wrong?



您可以看一下这个问题,它的答案可以帮助您更好地理解: JsonProperty的示例

Unfortunately keys must match exactly each other.
One of the best ways to solve your problem is to define JsonProperty attribute for each property to get Deserialized object correctly. You can specify property's json key name with it.
You can take a look to this question and it's answer for better understanding:An example of JsonProperty

如评论中所述,因为您正在使用 JavaScriptSerializer JsonPropertyAttribute 在这种情况下不起作用.但是您可以通过添加 Newtonsoft.Json Nuget Package并使用它来对它进行反消毒来使用它方式:

As in comments mentioned, because you are using JavaScriptSerializer JsonPropertyAttribute doesn't work in this situation.But you can use it by adding Newtonsoft.Json Nuget Package and using it's deserilizer this way:



09-02 10:13