

本文介绍了从Google Apps脚本中的范围获取范围的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Is there a way to get a subrange from a range?


var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var fullRange = ss.getRange("A:P");


Can I get a range from fullRange?


The context is that I'm using data validation to dynamically set a data validation dropdown based on a range.


Example: I have two cells - the first one is a dropdown with a list of categories, and the second is a dropdown with a list of subcategories thats dependent on the category selected in the first cell.


The way I'm making this happen is based on the category selection, I populate a hidden row with the list of subcategories based on that category selection. Then I use requireValueInRange to set the data validation for that subcategory cell.


It works fine, except runs SUPER slow, and I'm trying to figure out a way to make it faster. I'm guessing one of the reasons its slow is because I'm using getRange in a loop to get the proper requireValueInRange. So I'm trying to pull a subrange instead of re-querying the range every time.

function setDataValidations() {
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var categoryRange = ss.getRange("A:A");
  var subCatCells = ss.getRange("B:B");

  var subCatRules = subCatCells.getDataValidations();

  var rangeLength = categoryRange.getValues().length;

  for (var i = 1; i < rangeLength; i++ ){
    var catCell = categoryRange.getCell(i, 1);
    var subCatOptions = ss.getRange("'subcats'!A" + i + ":P" + i);
    var subCatRule = SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInRange(subCatOptions, true).build();


Range#getCell 是从现有Range内部引用Range的方式,因此您已经在执行要求的操作了.如您所见,使用 Range#setDataValidations 优于单元格-cell设置,因为它是批处理方法.假设您使用 验证规则,无法避免获取其他Range.

Range#getCell is how one references a Range from within an existing Range, so you're already doing what you're asking to do. As you note, using Range#setDataValidations is superior to cell-by-cell setting, as it is a batch method. Given that you use the requireValueInRange validation rule, there is no way to avoid acquiring additional Ranges.

但是,对于存在明确定义关系的特定用例,可以通过使用 RangeList s. RangeList是批量获取的Range,通常用于对不相交范围进行同等对待的用途.

However, acquiring them can be done more effectively, for specific use cases where there is a well-defined relationship, through the use of RangeLists. A RangeList is a batch-acquired Range, generally intended for uses where disjoint Ranges are to be treated equivalently.

function setDVs() {
  const wb = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
  const catSheetName = "the name of the sheet that has the dropdowns",
      sheet = wb.getSheetByName(catSheetName),
      maxDVs = sheet.getLastRow();

  // Create the A1-notation or R1C1-notation Arrays identifying the ranges we need.
  const subCatNotations = [];
  const subCatSheetName = "the name of the sheet that has the ranges with required values"
  for (var r = 1; r <= maxDVs; ++r)
    subCatNotations.push("A" + r + ":P" + r); // 1 row, cols A:P

  // Range#setDataValidations requires an Array of Array of DataValidations.
  // Thus, wrap the new rule in a new array if updating a single column.
  const new_dvs = wb.getSheetByName(subCatSheetName)
      .map(function (subCatRange) {
        return [
          SpreadsheetApp.newDataValidation().requireValueInRange(subCatRange, true).build()

  // Batch-apply the new rules to the `catSheetName` sheet.
  if (new_dvs.length && new_dvs[0].length)
    sheet.getRange(1, 1, new_dvs.length, new_dvs[0].length).setDataValidations(new_dvs); // col A


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09-02 09:52