



在以前版本的iOS中,我的 UITextView 将使用

In previous versions of iOS, my UITextView will scroll to the bottom using

[displayText scrollRangeToVisible:NSMakeRange(0,[displayText.text length])];

CGFloat topCorrect = displayText.contentSize.height -[displayText bounds].size.height;
topCorrect = (topCorrect<0.0?0.0:topCorrect);
displayText.contentOffset = (CGPoint){.x=0, .y=topCorrect};


But the former will now have the weird effect of starting at the top of a long length of text and animating the scroll to the bottom each time I append text to the view. Is there a way to pop down to the bottom of the text when I add text?


对于未来的旅行者,建立的@ mikeho的帖子,我发现了一些对我有用的东西,但有点简单。

For future travelers, building off of @mikeho's post, I found something that worked wonders for me, but is a bit simpler.

1)确保你的 UITextView contentInset 已正确设置&在执行此操作之前,你的textView已经是 firstResponder()


1) Be sure your UITextView's contentInsets are properly set & your textView is already firstResponder() before doing this.
2) After my the insets are ready to go, and the cursor is active, I call the following function:

private func scrollToCursorPosition() {
    let caret = textView.caretRectForPosition(textView.selectedTextRange!.start)
    let keyboardTopBorder = textView.bounds.size.height - keyboardHeight!

   // Remember, the y-scale starts in the upper-left hand corner at "0", then gets
   // larger as you go down the screen from top-to-bottom. Therefore, the caret.origin.y
   // being larger than keyboardTopBorder indicates that the caret sits below the
   // keyboardTopBorder, and the textView needs to scroll to the position.
   if caret.origin.y > keyboardTopBorder {
        textView.scrollRectToVisible(caret, animated: true)


09-02 09:50