So, I am going to actually kill two birds with one stone. First off, I am trying to trigger an alert once the slider moves left to a specific degree. For example, once it goes to, let’s say, the 3rd slide I would like for it to trigger an alert. Also, I need help with the cycling of the slider. I want the slider to cycle like a rotation (360), but instead at the end of the cycle it slides all the way back to the start. View the Codepen to have a better understanding of what I mean. Thank you for your time. Your help is much appreciated.
var W = $('#image_rotator').width(),
N = $('#slider .slide').length,
C = 0,
if (N <= 1) $('#left, #right').hide();
$('#slider').width(W * N);
$('#left, #right').click(function() {
C = (this.id == 'right' ? ++C : --C) < 0 ? N - 1 : C % N;
left: -C * W
}, 300);
function setResetInterval(e) {
var intv = $("#slider");
if (e) {
timer = setInterval(function() {
}, 1000);
} else {
$('#slider').click(function() {
var x = $('#slider').offset();
alert("Top: " + x.top + " Left: " + x.left);
$("#btn").click(function(e) {
$("#btn2").click(function(e) {
$('#slider').hover(function(e) {
return e.type == 'mouseenter' ? setResetInterval(false) : setResetInterval(true);
This accomplishes both of the things that you wanted using the optional callback parameter in the animate
function. It checks first to see if the variable C (the 0-based index of the current slide) is equal to 2 (3 in 1-based indexing), and shows an alert if it is. Then it checks to see if C is equal to 10 (which would mean that the slide currently being shown is the 9th one; The 9th image is just a duplicate of the 1st one) If it is on the 9th one, then jump back to the first one and trigger $("#right").click();
$('#left, #right').click(function() {
C = (this.id == 'right' ? ++C : --C) < 0 ? N - 1 : C % N;
left: -C * W
}, 300, function() {
if (C == 2){alert("3rd");}
if (C == 10) {
$('#slider').css("left", "0");
JSFiddle (因为CodePen的布局对我来说很奇怪)
JSFiddle (Because CodePen's layout is weird to me)