



我有一个自定义的UITableViewCell模型,完全来自这里找到的自定义UITableViewCell教程 -

I have a custom UITableViewCell modelled exactly from the custom UITableViewCell tutorials found here -http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/AdvancedTableViewCells/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40009111

此处 -

使用drawRect渲染所有内容,绘制3个字符串和1个图像时滚动速度为55 FPS。图像是通过 -

Everything is rendered using drawRect and the scrolling speed is 55 FPS when drawing 3 strings and 1 image. The image is drawn via -

[self.sampleImage drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, 55, 55)];

奇怪的是,当我渲染相同的图像但是在更大的区域时,滚动速度降低到25 FPS

Oddly enough, the scrolling speed reduces to 25 FPS when I render the same image but in a bigger area

[self.sampleImage drawInRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 80)];

我在Apple的示例代码中使用drawRect中的更大图像进行了实验,确保帧速率降至25 FPS 。

I experimented with bigger images in drawRect in Apple's sample code and sure enough the frame rate drops to 25 FPS.


  • 如何在UITableViewCell中使用drawRect绘制大图像,同时保持50 FPS的滚动速度?

  • How can large images be drawn using drawRect in a UITableViewCell while maintaining 50 FPS scrolling speed?


Can UIImageView ever be faster than drawing an image in drawRect (for a UITableViewCell) ?


Are there any GPU vs CPU forces at play?



@darcwader has it pretty much spot on. I think the reason why all the examples use drawRect is because it's more expensive initially (to set up the cells) but afterwards its much cheaper to animate them. For large images however it's going to be significantly more costly to draw them up and if you're scrolling past multiple ones the benefits of using drawRect aren't realized.


09-02 09:32