

我正在努力解决一些菜鸟问题。我有一个 UIView ,其中我显示了一些价格。我希望 UIView 根据价格具有动态宽度,如果是1欧元,那么它将是例如 20pt ,如果是2300欧元,那么它的宽度将是 50pt

I am struggling with maybe a bit of a rookie issue. I have a UIView within which I display some price. I want the UIView to be of a dynamic width according to the price, if its 1 Euro, then it will be e.g. 20pt, if its 2300 Euro, then it will be like 50pt in width.

我试图使用故事板的约束但没有运气。是否可以在故​​事板中进行,或者我必须计算 UILabel 的宽度,然后设置 UIView 以编程方式?

I was trying to use the storyboard's constraints but without luck. Is it possible to do it within storyboard or do I have to calculate the width of UILabel and then set the width of UIView programmatically?




Yes, you can do this in the storyboard. Add a label to your view and pin it to the left and right edge (top and bottom if you want also). Give the view constraints to its superview in the x and y directions, but do not give it a width constraint (it will need a height constraint if you didn't pin the top and bottom of the label to it). The view should then expand with the label depending on its content.


09-02 09:28