I have an app, that will keep track of everything the user do in the iPod app. To do this, I added few observers to NSNotificationCenter, like MPMusicPlayerControllerNowPlayingItemDidChangeNotification. But my problem is, I only get those notifications when my app is in the foreground, if its in the background, the system add the notification to a queue, and then the next time my app becomes active it delivers it to me. I have no interest in this queue, since I want to receive real-time notifications.
有什么办法,我让这些通知,即使我的应用程序是处于暂停状态?我想运行只需3 code,每次我得到这个NowPlayingItemDidChange通知例如线。
Is there any way for me to get those notifications even if my app is in suspended state? I want to run just 3 lines of code everytime I get this NowPlayingItemDidChange notifications for example.
Here is where I add the observer.
MPMusicPlayerController *iPodMediaPlayer = [MPMusicPlayerController iPodMusicPlayer];
NSNotificationCenter *notificationCenter = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[notificationCenter addObserver: self selector: @selector(handle_NowPlayingItemChanged:) name:MPMusicPlayerControllerNowPlayingItemDidChangeNotification
[iPodMediaPlayer beginGeneratingPlaybackNotifications];
Also, if I add another kind of object to the observer instead of iPodMediaPlayer, the observer won't call the method.
iOS applications are suspended when they are not in the foreground. There are three exceptions to this rule. You can have code execute in the background if your application is
一)播放音频。这意味着本身实际上是产生音频应用程序。我的理解是,MPMediaPlayerController iPodMusicPlayer对象只控制外部iPod的过程中播放,而不是从应用程序本身播放音频。也许你可以有一些成功,如果你叫applicationMusicPlayer而不是iPodMusicPlayer并在应用程序的Info.plist设置相应的背景标志。这似乎是最合理的方式获得您的应用程序的工作,但你不会是能够从iPod应用程序,只有您的应用程序和系统音频控制控制iPod播放。
a) Playing audio. This means the application itself is actually generating audio. My understanding is that the MPMediaPlayerController iPodMusicPlayer object only controls the playback of the external iPod process, rather than playing audio from the app itself. Perhaps you could have some success if you called applicationMusicPlayer instead of iPodMusicPlayer and set the appropriate background flags in your applications Info.plist. This seems like the most legitimate way to get your application to work, but you wouldn't be able to control iPod playback from the iPod app, only your app and the system audio controls.
b) Get your app to monitor the location. If the app is using the GPS it can continue to execute in the background. Downside to this is that the GPS will drain battery, and users might be creeped out that you're requesting their location.
c) Ask UIApplication for extra time. If you use UIApplication's beginBackgroundTask method, your application will continue to run for a finite amount of time in the background. If your users are going to come into your application once every ten minutes or so, this could work as well.