



是否可以直接从Vim复制到剪贴板? yy 仅将内容复制到Vim的内部缓冲区中。我想复制到操作系统的剪贴板。在Vim中是否有这样的命令,或者您只能在Vim中提取东西?

Is it possible to copy to clipboard directly from Vim? yy only copies stuff to Vim's internal buffer. I want to copy to the OS's clipboard. Is there any such command in Vim or you can only yank stuff within Vim?


* 寄存器将执行此操作。在Windows中, + * 是等效的。在Unix中, + * 之间存在细微差别:

The * register will do this. In Windows, + and * are equivalent. In unix there is a subtle difference between + and *:

* 可能是大多数时候想要的,所以我使用 * ,因为它在两种环境下都能正常运行。

* is probably what you want most of the time, so I use * because it functions as I expect it to in both environments.

在Linux发行版中,您必须安装 vim-gtk (又名 gvim )首先获得剪贴板功能。这是因为非gtk vim通常在没有X11支持的情况下进行编译。

In Linux distros you have to install vim-gtk (aka gvim) first to gain clipboard functionality. This is because non-gtk vim is typically compiled without X11 support. This is to allow it to run on console only machines (often servers).

对于那些对于在拉动或放置时如何使用寄存器感到困惑的人,只需编写 然后是寄存器的名称。因此,要将某些内容复制到剪贴板寄存器,请键入 * y ,然后将其放入输入 * p (来源:Kyle Mathews)

And for those confused about how to use registers when yanking or putting, you merely write " then the name of the register. So for copying something to the clipboard register you type "*y and then to put you type "*p (credit: Kyle Mathews)


09-02 09:02