




Hi every one there is a link :link and there is a sample code in it where the author use a CALayer with CAShapeLayer.What I would like is to use this CALayer like it was a uiimageView (maybe assign to a uiimageview) to be able to move it etc...


您不能改变的图层类型现有的的UIView (意思是:你也改变不了的层的的UIImageView ),但画上一个层是pretty简单:你需要一个委托分配给您的的CALayer ,并且该委托需要实现 drawLayer:inContext的:

You cannot change the layer type of an existing UIView (meaning: you also can't change the layer of an UIImageView), but drawing to a layer is pretty easy: you need to assign a delegate to your CALayer, and that delegate needs to implement drawLayer:inContext:.

另一种解决方案可能是创建一个的UIView 子类,并实施 + layerClass

Another solution might be to create a UIView subclass and implement +layerClass:

+ (Class)layerClass
    return [CAShapeLayer class];

这样,你的观点将使用形状图层,你也许可以简单地使用通常的的UIView 的drawRect:方法。然后,您可以通过访问层(CAShapeLayer *)[个体经营层] 进行修改。我没有试过这种方法,虽然。

That way your view will use a shape layer and you might be able to simply use the usual UIView's drawRect: method. You could then access the layer via (CAShapeLayer *)[self layer] to modify it. I haven't tried this approach, though.


Explaining how the second solution would be done:

@interface MyView : UIView {
    UIImage *image;
@property(retain) UIImage *image;

@implementation MyView
@synthesize image;

+ (Class)layerClass
    return [CAShapeLayer class];

- (void)dealloc
    self.image = nil;
    [super dealloc];

- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
    // Draw the image. You might need to play around with this,
    // for example to draw the image as aspect fit or aspect fill.
    [image drawInRect:rect];


09-02 08:51