

我有一个自定义按钮,这是我自己的的UIButton 的子类。它看起来像一个圆圈箭头,从某一角度由startAngle 结束一些 endAngle =由startAngle + 1.5整理* M_PI
由startAngle 是一个按钮的特性,然后在其的drawRect使用:方法。
我想使这个箭头,不断通过2PI围绕其中心旋转时,这个按钮是pssed $ P $。所以我想,我可以很容易地使用 [UIView的beginAnimations:背景:] 但显然它不能使用,因为它不允许动画自定义属性。 CoreAnimation也不适合,因为它只有在动画的CALayer 属性。

I have a custom button which is my own subclass of UIButton. It looks like a circled arrow, starting at some angle startAngle end finishing at some endAngle=startAngle+1.5*M_PI.startAngle is a button's property which is then used in its drawRect: method.I want to make this arrow to continuously rotate by 2Pi around its center when this button is pressed. So I thought that I can easily use [UIView beginAnimations: context:] but apparently it can't be used as it doesn't allow to animate custom properties. CoreAnimation also doesn't suite as it only animates the CALayer properties.

那么,什么是iOS中实施的UIView 的自定义属性的动画子类最简单的方法?

So what is the easiest way to implement an animation of a custom property of UIView subclass in iOS?Or maybe I missed something and it is possible with already mentioned techniques?



感谢我已经更新动画$ C使用CADisplayLink $ C这似乎比真正的NSTimer更正确的解决方案。所以,我现在显示正确实施与CADisplayLink。这是非常接近previous之一,但即使是简单一点。

Thanks to Jenox I have updated animation code using CADisplayLink which seems to be really more correct solution than NSTimer. So I show the correct implementation with CADisplayLink now. It is very close to the previous one, but even a bit simpler.


We add the QuartzCore framework to our project.Then we put the following lines in the header file of our class:

CADisplayLink* timer;
Float32 animationDuration;  // Duration of one animation loop
Float32 initAngle;  // Represents the initial angle
Float32 angle;  // Angle used for drawing
CFTimeInterval startFrame;  // Timestamp of the animation start

-(void)startAnimation;  // Method to start the animation
-(void)animate;  // Method for updating the property or stopping the animation


Now in implementation file we set the values for duration of the animation and the other initial values:

animationDuration=1.5f;  // Arrow makes full 360° in 1.5 seconds
startFrame=0;  // The animation hasn't been played yet


To start the animation we need to create the CADisplayLink instance which will call method animate and add it to main RunLoop of our application:

   timer = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(animate)];
   [timer addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode];


This timer will call animate method every runLoop of the application.


So now comes the implementation of our method for updating the property after each loop:

   if(startFrame==0) {
      startFrame=timer.timestamp;  // Setting timestamp of start of animation to current moment
      return;  // Exiting till the next run loop
   CFTimeInterval elapsedTime = timer.timestamp-startFrame;  // Time that has elapsed from start of animation
   Float32 timeProgress = elapsedTime/animationDuration;  // Determine the fraction of full animation which should be shown
   Float32 animProgress = timingFunction(timeProgress); // The current progress of animation
   angle=initAngle+animProgress*2.f*M_PI;  // Setting angle to new value with added rotation corresponding to current animation progress
   if (timeProgress>=1.f)
   {  // Stopping animation
      angle=initAngle; // Setting angle to initial value to exclude rounding effects
      [timer invalidate];  // Stopping the timer
      startFrame=0;  // Resetting time of start of animation
   [self setNeedsDisplay];  // Redrawing with updated angle value


So unlike case with NSTimer we now don't need to calculate the time interval at which to update the angle property and redraw the button. We now only need to count how much time has passed from the start of animation and set the property to value which corresponds to this progress.

默认情况下,CADisplayLink调用动画方法,每次运行循环。当我计算的帧速率,这是120帧。我想,这是不是很有效,所以我帧速率通过改变CADisplayLink的frameInterval财产将它添加到mainRunLoop之前下降到只有22 fps的:

And I must admit that animation works a bit more smoothly than in case of NSTimer.By default, CADisplayLink calls the animate method each run loop. When I calculated the frame rate, it was 120 fps. I think that it is not very efficient so I have decreased the frame rate to just 22 fps by changing the frameInterval property of CADisplayLink before adding it to mainRunLoop:



It means that it will call the animate method at first run loop, then do nothing next 3 loops, and call on the 4-th, and so on. That's why frameInterval can be only integer.


09-02 08:44