




I want to call a PHP function when pressing on a button, sort of like:

function output(){
  // do something

<input type="button" value="Enter" onclick="output()"/>


I tried to make something like:

<input type="button" value="Enter" onclick="test.php?execute=1"/>


where test.php is current page and then by php

<? if(isset(&execute)){ echo "Hello"; } ?>




I think using an AJAX call would do sort of what you are asking. I don't know PHP very well but you can use the following example, and add another variable with the data you are passing in to the server to indicate which function you want to call on the server. On the server you can add some "IF" statements that will call a certain function based on the name passed in and return the result.


Here is what you could use on in your javascript client using the jQuery library as a helper to do the AJAX call:

    <input type="button" value="Enter" onclick="output()"/>
    <script type="text/javascript">
function output(){
        type: "POST",
        url: "submit_data.php",
        data:   "username=" + "SomeUser"
        +   "&email=" + "[email protected]"
                    +       "&functionName=" + "theFunction1",
        success: function(html){
            alert('sucess!  Result is:' + html);



and you can use code such as this to catch the data your javascript is passing in. In this example you would want to call this file name as "submit_data.php" to match the javascript above:


    // Variables

    $Username = $_POST['username'];
    $Email    = $_POST['email'];
    $FunctionName = $_POST['functionName'];

    //Add code here to choose what function to call and echo the result
    // If $FunctionName equals 'theFunction1' then execute theFunction1
    // If $FunctionName equals 'theFunction2' then execute theFunction2

    echo "You called A Page!";



Here I am doing nothing with the "username" and "email" simply grabbing it and storing them into holding variables. But you can easily add extra functionality here, such as checking for a name of a function that you want to run.


09-02 08:07